Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Activity #1: The Numbers:
En tu cuaderno, escribe en inglés los siguientes números:
587 -624 - 874 - 772 - 183 - 276 - 938 - 366 - 441 - 1.254 - 9.875 - 2.654 - 8.775 - 3.852 - 7.894 - 4.014 - 6.982 - 5.558 -10.500 -18.545
Activity # 2 The Family
En tu cuaderno resuelve los siguientes ejercicios del libro virtual Piap # 6 (buscar y dar clic en enlace abajo en Textbooks).
Página 28; ejercicio 2
Página 30; ejercicios 1, 2 y 3
Página 31; ejercicio 4
Activity # 3 Portfolio. (sólo si tienes acceso a internet y un computador, si no por favor espera volver al colegio par trabajar este punto con tu profesor).
Adjunto enlace de documento para llenar y archivar en portafolio
Abrir documento con clic aquí
Activity # 4 Topics Review
Abre el enlace del libro de trabajo Way to Go 6 workbook (buscar y dar clic en enlace abajo en Textbooks) y realiza las siguientes actividades en tu cuaderno.
Página 3; ejercicios 1, 2 y 3
Página 4; ejercicios 1 y 2
Página 5; ejercicios 1, 2 y 3
Página 7; ejercicio 1
Página 8; ejercicios 1, 2 y 3
Activity # 1: READING
Aplica las técnicas de pre-lectura para comprender lo leído. Es decir, predice el tema basándote en fotos y título, escanea todas las palabras que te sean familiares y trata de entender lo más que puedas acerca del tema antes de leer. Hazte preguntas sobre que sabes del tema y podrían tratar en el texto. Luego lee con calma y ve sacando todas las palabras que sean verbos en pasado. Organízalos en una tabla. Haz clic en el enlace para abrir documento de Drive o descarga el correo adjunto que te envío.
Che Guevara (left) and Fidel Castro(right)
by Alberto Korda
The United States tried several times to remove Castro from power. This included the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 ordered by President John F. Kennedy. In this invasion, around 1,500 Cuban exiles trained by the CIA attacked Cuba. The invasion was a disaster with the majority of the invaders captured or killed.
Castro's health began to fail in 2006. On February 24, 2008 he handed the presidency of Cuba over to his brother Raul. He died on November 25, 2016 at the age of 90.
Interesting Facts about Fidel Castro
Haga clic en el enlace quiz y resuelva el examen virtual sobre la lectura de Fidel Castro. Al terminar haga clic en DONE (HECHO). Luego realice una captura de pantalla con el resultado obtenido. Copie y pegue dicho pantallazo de resultado en una hoja de Word y mande por correo; o si trabaja en Drive péguelo en el mismo documento de drive (tecla Impr.Pant.Pet.Sis, que está al lado de F12) hace captura y (Ctrl V) = pegar. La idea es que el profesor sepa el resultado para calificarlo. Tenga cuidado, pues sólo puede hacer un único intento.
email: lflagares2015@gmail.com
Elaborar una línea de tiempo con los hechos que tienenfechas en la lectura y organizalos cronológicamente desde el más antiguo hasta el más reciente.
Llene el siguiente formulario con información sacada del texto leído
Aplica las técnicas de pre-lectura para comprender lo leído. Es decir, predice el tema basándote en fotos y título, escanea todas las palabras que te sean familiares y trata de entender lo más que puedas acerca del tema antes de leer. Hazte preguntas sobre que sabes del tema y podrían tratar en el texto. Luego lee con calma y ve sacando todas las palabras que sean verbos en pasado. Organízalos en una tabla. Haz clic en el enlace para abrir documento de Drive o descarga el correo adjunto que te envío.
Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro led the Cuban Revolution overthrowing Cuban President Batista in 1959. He then took control of Cuba installing a communist Marxist government. He was the absolute ruler of Cuba from 1959 until 2008 when he became ill.
Fidel was born on his father's farm in Cuba on August 13, 1926. He was born out of wedlock and his father, Angel Castro, did not officially claim him as his son. While growing up he went by the name of Fidel Ruz. Later, his father would marry his mother and Fidel would change his last name to Castro.
Fidel attended Jesuit boarding schools. He was smart, but wasn't a great student. He did excel in sports, however, especially baseball. In 1945 Fidel entered law school at the University of Havana. It was here that he became involved in politics and protesting against the current government. He thought the government was corrupt and there was too much involvement from the United States.
Che Guevara (left) and Fidel Castro(right)
by Alberto Korda
In 1952 Castro ran for a seat at Cuba's House of Representatives. However, that year General Fulgencio Batista overthrew the existing government and cancelled the elections. Castro began to organize a revolution. Fidel and his brother, Raul, tried to take over the government, but were captured and sent to prison. He was released two years later.
Castro did not give up, however. He went to Mexico and planned his next revolution. There he met Che Guevara who would become an important leader in his revolution. Castro and Guevara returned with a small army to Cuba on December 2, 1956. They were quickly defeated again by Batista's army. However, this time Castro, Guevara, and Raul escaped into the hills. They began a guerrilla war against Batista. Over time they gathered many supporters and eventually overthrew Batista's government on January 1, 1959.
In July of 1959 Castro took over as leader of Cuba. He would rule for nearly 50 years. Castro had become a follower of Marxism and he used this philosophy in creating a new government for Cuba. The government took over much of the industry. They also took control of many businesses and farms owned by Americans. Freedom of speech and of the press was also severely limited. Opposition to his rule was generally met with imprisonment and even execution. Many people fled the country.
The United States tried several times to remove Castro from power. This included the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 ordered by President John F. Kennedy. In this invasion, around 1,500 Cuban exiles trained by the CIA attacked Cuba. The invasion was a disaster with the majority of the invaders captured or killed.
After the Bay of Pigs, Castro allied his government with the Soviet Union. He allowed the Soviet Union to place nuclear missiles in Cuba that could strike the United States. After a tense stand-off between the United States and the Soviet Union that nearly started World War III, the missiles were removed.
Castro's health began to fail in 2006. On February 24, 2008 he handed the presidency of Cuba over to his brother Raul. He died on November 25, 2016 at the age of 90.
Interesting Facts about Fidel Castro
- He is known for his long beard. He almost always appears in public in green military fatigues.
- Hundreds of thousands of Cubans have fled under Castro's government. Many of them live in Florida.
- Castro's Cuba relied heavily on aide from the Soviet Union. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the country suffered as it tried to survive on its own.
- He was seen for years smoking cigars, but he quit in 1985 for health reasons.
- He is famous for his long speeches. He once gave a speech that lasted for over 7 hours!
Haga clic en el enlace quiz y resuelva el examen virtual sobre la lectura de Fidel Castro. Al terminar haga clic en DONE (HECHO). Luego realice una captura de pantalla con el resultado obtenido. Copie y pegue dicho pantallazo de resultado en una hoja de Word y mande por correo; o si trabaja en Drive péguelo en el mismo documento de drive (tecla Impr.Pant.Pet.Sis, que está al lado de F12) hace captura y (Ctrl V) = pegar. La idea es que el profesor sepa el resultado para calificarlo. Tenga cuidado, pues sólo puede hacer un único intento.
email: lflagares2015@gmail.com
Elaborar una línea de tiempo con los hechos que tienenfechas en la lectura y organizalos cronológicamente desde el más antiguo hasta el más reciente.
Llene el siguiente formulario con información sacada del texto leído
Activity # 4
Abre el libro Way to Go 8 (haga clic en el enlace de abajo en Textbooks) reaaliza los siguientes ejercicios en tu cuaderno:
Página 32; ejercicios 7, 8 y 9
página 75; ejercicio 7
Activity # 5
Para realizar en Google Drive o enviar por correo al docente. Haz clic en el enlace del documento y llena la información acerca de las lecturas de Fidel Castro (Activity #1) y la de Jennifer López. Comparte por Drive o envía al correo del docente. Haz sólo una de las dos acciones (COMPARTIR O ENVIAR)
Firstly a cellphone and a telephone do the same function, which is a means of communication (transfer of voice data) from one end to another. The major difference between a cellphone and a telephone is the way they carried out their functions. Cellphone uses wireless means while telephone uses wired means,
Lee el siguiente texto sacado de un Blog. Haz una comparación entre el teléfono línea fija y el celular. escribe las diferencias y similitudes en un diagrama de Venn comparativo como se hizo en clase y usando los datos de la lectura.
Secondly, cellephone are mobile (it can be carried about since it does not make use of any form of wired connection to the network provider) and telephones are fixed (in terms of mobility it is the opposite of a cellphone, which is connected to the network provider through a cable link)
The purpose of mobile phone was to make us live with convenience and happy relationships but using mobile phone in wrong addictive way. Remember that time, when any call from any relative prompted all of us to gather around our landline phone. And now- Virtual friendships and social media are overshadowing real love, compassion and care of our near dear ones. They need much more attention of us than virtual people. Let us be careful! Nothing is spoilt too much yet!
10th GRADE
ACTIVITY # 1: (abril 28/2020) Lee las siguientes reglas de un hospital y luego en tu cuaderno, en cartulina o en hoja de bloc; dibuja y elabora un aviso que contenga las cinco (5) más importantes. Resume cada una dentro del aviso con frases cortas usando los modales estudiados en clases (Do not / Should / Shouldn't / Can / Can not / Must). Recuerda que todo aviso debe tener: 1-balazo o llamado a la acción, 2- encabezado o título, 3- logotipo, 4- eslogan, 5- información y 6- ilustraciones. Además, con el ánimo de entender el texto, a medida que leas, ve sacando aparte las palabras nuevas para ti y que sean relevantes al tema. Si necesitas hacer traducción hazla, aunque no es necesario. Una vez terminado el aviso y el glosario de palabras nuevas, tómales fotos y envíalas al Whatsapp 3014833000 al messenger de Facebook o al correo lflagares2015@gmail.com Nos vemos el próximo martes 5 de mayo/2020
Sullivan County Community Hospital is a smoke free facility. If this is a problem for you, please discuss your options with your physician.
You are responsible for being considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital personnel. This includes assisting in the control of noise and the number of visitors in your room. You are responsible for being respectful of the property of others and of the hospital.
As a factor in your comfort and care, we at Sullivan County Community Hospital are concerned about the level of noise in our facility. Excessive noise levels affect rest which can have a big impact on recovery. In fact, studies have shown that increased noise levels can have a direct impact on hospital length of stay and increased stress levels.
Hospital rules and regulations
You are responsible for the
following hospital rules and regulations affecting patient care and conduct.
Sullivan County Community Hospital is a smoke free facility. If this is a problem for you, please discuss your options with your physician.
You are responsible for being considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital personnel. This includes assisting in the control of noise and the number of visitors in your room. You are responsible for being respectful of the property of others and of the hospital.
As a factor in your comfort and care, we at Sullivan County Community Hospital are concerned about the level of noise in our facility. Excessive noise levels affect rest which can have a big impact on recovery. In fact, studies have shown that increased noise levels can have a direct impact on hospital length of stay and increased stress levels.
In order to help us reduce
noise levels in our facility we ask that you:
- Limit visitors to two per patient at one time.
- Maintain low voice tones in all areas of the hospital.
- Adhere to visiting hours.
- Restrict calls to patient rooms after 9 p.m.
- Avoid visiting in hallways in patient care areas.
- We hope these measures will help reduce noise in patient care areas. If you notice an area for improvement regarding noise levels in the hospital, please notify the nursing staff, Department Director or Coordinator. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
ACTIVITY # 2 (mayo 5/2020)
Thursday, March 19, 2020
11th GRADE
Nota: Las siguientes actividades aunque se encuentran desde hoy en esta plataforma, por disposición del Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN), sólo son para empezar a realizar después del lunes 20 de abril. Por tal motivo, te invito a que te quedes en casa durante la cuarentena y disfrutes de tus vacaciones. Sin embargo, si así lo deseas para pasar el rato de aislamiento social y sólo si tienes acceso a la red en casa; puedes ir trabajando desde tu hogar algunas actividades sin tener que salir a fotocopiar nada, entrar a una sala de internet o cualquier otra actividad que involucre desplazamiento fuera de tu casa. Se prudente y tómalo con calma, pues de todas maneras estas actividades deberán ser retro-alimentadas y explicadas por los docentes cuando volvamos de vacaciones. Incluso en algunos casos no serán calificadas hasta tanto no se revisen y corrijan en aula. Cuídate y feliz día.
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