Tuesday, March 24, 2020

10th GRADE


Play video games but according to our rules says teens parents

ACTIVITY # 1: (abril 28/2020) Lee las siguientes reglas de un hospital y luego en tu cuaderno, en cartulina o en hoja de bloc; dibuja y elabora un aviso que contenga las cinco (5) más importantes. Resume cada una dentro del aviso con frases cortas usando los modales estudiados en clases (Do not / Should / Shouldn't / Can / Can not / Must). Recuerda que todo aviso debe tener: 1-balazo o llamado a la acción, 2- encabezado o título, 3- logotipo,  4- eslogan, 5- información y 6- ilustraciones. Además, con el ánimo de entender el texto, a medida que leas, ve sacando aparte las palabras nuevas para ti y que sean relevantes al tema. Si necesitas hacer traducción hazla, aunque no es necesario. Una vez terminado el aviso y el glosario de palabras nuevas, tómales fotos y envíalas al Whatsapp 3014833000 al messenger de Facebook o al correo lflagares2015@gmail.com Nos vemos el próximo martes 5 de mayo/2020  

Hospital rules and regulations

You are responsible for the following hospital rules and regulations affecting patient care and conduct.


Sullivan County Community Hospital is a smoke free facility. If this is a problem for you, please discuss your options with your physician.


You are responsible for being considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital personnel. This includes assisting in the control of noise and the number of visitors in your room. You are responsible for being respectful of the property of others and of the hospital.


As a factor in your comfort and care, we at Sullivan County Community Hospital are concerned about the level of noise in our facility. Excessive noise levels affect rest which can have a big impact on recovery. In fact, studies have shown that increased noise levels can have a direct impact on hospital length of stay and increased stress levels.
In order to help us reduce noise levels in our facility we ask that you:
  • Limit visitors to two per patient at one time.
  • Maintain low voice tones in all areas of the hospital.
  • Adhere to visiting hours.
  • Restrict calls to patient rooms after 9 p.m.
  • Avoid visiting in hallways in patient care areas.
  • We hope these measures will help reduce noise in patient care areas. If you notice an area for improvement regarding noise levels in the hospital, please notify the nursing staff, Department Director or Coordinator. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
ACTIVITY # 2 (mayo 5/2020)


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